I love the idea of a weekly micro-adventure.

Thank you!

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Jul 7Liked by Molly Kate

Hmmm, a weekly micro-adventure? I, too, like this idea. I work in a fairly large city but have been seeing the same things for over 30 years now, so visual motivation is hard to find. Ditto my house is the 'burbs. A little challenge could definitely be something to help me shoot more.

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Let’s do it!! Even just for 30minutes somewhere new or new film or camera or idea, something lol where would your first idea be?

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Jul 12Liked by Molly Kate

I've been touring with the idea of drawing a 1/2 mile radius circle around my house, then sho

oting a roll each week within that circle.

Each week brings a new challenge.... Shot pinhole one week, maybe 300mm prime the next, B&W with a green filter the following week...redscale ...

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that's a fab idea!

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Nice! I’m hoping to keep it up haha what would be your first micro adventure?

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I’m taking a film class using an old Kodak Brownie where we photograph & develop three rolls of film. I’ve been trying to photograph the different libraries nearby. When that’s done I think I’ll try to find new-to-me sunset spots.

I’m the type of person that needs a list so I can save ideas when I have them and refer back when I’m lacking motivation and creativity.

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oh those Brownies are so fun! and sunset spots would be lush. that's a good idea to make a list to refer back to so don't have to try to come up with stuff when not feeling the motivation!

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Hi Molly, Yes I do believe that you are correct in saying the future of film is with smaller companies like ADOX. The problem with film today is that it is now an alternative process. Commercial photography and the vast majority of photography today is digital, but some of us, a small number on the company accounts, choose to continue to shoot on film and film will continue to be produced, as an alternative process, for many years to come. Corporate managers in Kodak and the like are bound by there shareholders, and while Ilford continue to innovate, the day might come when the cost for there managment is to high and they two give up on film. ADOX and a number of smaller companies are small enough for this niche market but big enough to sustain seasonal ups and downs that happen from time to time. My money is with ADOX and I support there efforts in film and paper when available for the future.

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I'm not sure that Kodak would drop film as a quick/snap decision. So far they still are producing (and selling) a good amount to the motion picture industry (with spillover to still photography through the respooled cine film market) -- but also they did manage to retain some significant traditional film-manufacturing spaces in Rochester, NY -- many of those buildings are over 100 years old, and even though updated, they have significant unique equipment (that fill entire buildings) which can only be used to manufacture film. Check out the videos from SmarterEveryDay where he tours these facilities -- very impressive! I'm going on vacation to the Finger Lakes in NY this August and I am going to see if I can get a peek at the same manufacturing facilities (I had one uncle who worked there his entire career from the 1940s to 1980). I agree that encouraging and supporting other film manufacturers is a great thing -- lets keep that pressure up so that the big boys (pretty much Kodak) feel some competition and keep innovating.... Cheers!!!

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I'm thinking long into the future (10-20-30-more years), but yes, what might appear as a drop someday would have a build up to it as most discontinued operations do. I've seen a few tours of their facilities and it's a lot! That would be very cool if you got to get a tour there.

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Hey Molly!

I’m a newbie to this Substack thing but thought I’d give it shot as an alternative to the toxic cess pool that is all Meta platforms. 😂

I love what you’ve written here. As it happens I’m a film photographer in Minneapolis, MN and I’m writing a show for the Minnesota Fringe Festival (theatre festival) called “They still make film for that?” that all about film and in importance and relevance today. In my research I found that Kodak came back from bankruptcy specifically because Nolan, Spielberg, and Tarantino convinced six Hollywood studios to buy enough film every year to keep them afloat. I’m curious how that will play out in 20-30 years but it’s encouraging.

Also that dark bag hoodie is AMAZING. Now only if I could afford it. 😒

Anyhow I look forward to delving into your back catalogue!


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